Core concepts

Product & variant


To create a product object. Right-click on Home and hover on Add object. Pimcore home page

Then click on Product Pimcore new product

Type the name of the product and click OK Pimcore product page

Input the name, description and currency code of the product. Ignore the Target (CommerceTool) Id field. You can use the language tabs to provide the translation of the name and description in other languages. Then click and drag the category to be used for the product from the sidebar and drop it on the categories section of the product. Pimcore product with category

After that, click on Save & Publish.


To create a variant for a product. Right-click on the product on the sidebar and hover on Add object

Pimcore product variant

Click on Product Pimcore new variant

Input the name of the variant and click on OK Pimcore variant page

Input the name, description, SKU, price and currency code of the variant. Ignore the Target (CommerceTool) Id field. You can use the language tabs to provide the translation of the name and description in other languages. After that, click on Save & Publish.
